Monday, October 22, 2007

Favorite Artist

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My favorite artist is Ryan "Woodie" Wood. he was born in Antoich California. He killed himself on March 7, 2007 in Florence, Oregon. He is a known gangmember but not just that he is well respected as a man and a rapper. He is known for rapping about his gang life and about real life stories. He served time in prison for attempted murder and came out of prison and decided he wanted something else to do besides run the streets and get locked up more so he turned his life over to music. My favorite song by him is Life of sins. I like that song alot because it just speaks all about me from how I use to be and know how I'm trying to change my life.

Teens and Gangs

Gangs are all around and in almost every city threw out the united states and across the world. Many teens join gangs because they have rough lives or because they want to fit in or they are in foster care or they have lost one or both parents. Gangs are just a quick way to death or even prison time. Kids join gangs thinking it will help them stay out of trouble and thinking that its there family but really its just getting them in trouble and losing the family they got. The youngsters that get rushed into a gang think they are all cool and try doing things to show that they are really down for what they claim and they are just causing problems with the law. Innocent people get involved in gang problem either from people they know or just running into the wrong people. Gang members also vandalize property to people they don't know and it is not cheap replacing property that you have to pay for and not anyone else.
Kids joins gangs thinking that they would stay out of trouble but its just getting them in more trouble. There are other options to stay out of trouble and not get into gangs like after school activities and sports. Communities need to get together and organize something to stop all the gang violence and all the crime and other problems dealing with gangs. If communities tried to join together and stop all the gang violence and vandalism there would be a lot less trouble and less crime in the small parts of town. Gang members are just a bunch of kids causing problems for a lot of town residents. Town residents would have to spend a lot less money if there were no gang vandalism and also no gang violence.
I think all communities should follow up on these ideas that I provided in this essay because it would be less work for a lot of residents and also the police and law enforcement. If every town got together and decided what to do with all the gang members and gave the young kids more options to stay out of trouble they would most likely stop joining gangs and see that there is more to life then just living life in the streets trying to survive day by day. Innocent people lose their lives over gangs and families are losing innocent members of there families.

About ME

My name is Sergio Ramirez. Im 17 years old born on august 11th 1990. I was born in Salem Oregon. During my middle school years i joined a gang known as NSRG 14 or North $ide ryderz gaNg 14 and it was one of my worst desicions i have ever made and know im trying to get my life back on track. I dont live with my parents. I live with a relative. My dad got deported to Mexico and my mom lives in Woodburn with her new man and my sister. I am the second oldest in my family. My oldest brother is in prison and will be released on may 14th 2008. My younger sister lives in Woodburn and attending Woodburn High as a sophmore. My 2 little brothers are living with their dad in Salem. My dad has 3 other kids of his in Mexico at the ages of 7 4 and 1 year.

My goals in school are to graduate and attend and graduate from college.

My friends know that I'm loyal and trustworthy and they all know I got there back for anything.

My family means the world to me if it wasnt for them I wouldnt be who I am today.

For my profession I want to be a mechanic for me to follow threw with my dreams I got to graduate highschool and attend college.